
The Wilhelm Furtwängler Society of China (WFSC) was established on 22 February 2021 under the authorization of Andreas Furtwängler, the son of the maestro. The society does not implement the traditional paid membership system and has grown to have hundreds of active members. As a non-profit organization, its main mission is to collect valuable and high-quality recordings of Furtwängler and related musicians, digitize and, after making maximum efforts for restoration, release them in high-quality formats such as CDs and Hi-Res files, and on streaming media, along with booklets with extensive original content. The income generated is solely used to sustain the basic operations of the society and public music-related activities. Additionally, the society organises and translates Furtwängler-related literature, to enable more people to learn and appreciate the maestro’s conducting artistry in various forms.

Our social media, group chats and contact info

  • Instagram
  • Twitter
  • WeChat subscription account: please search for 富特文格勒的音乐世界
  • QQ group: 975595826
  • WeChat group: please add lijiajun62 and ask him to invite.

Current management team


We thank Francis Zhou for organising and translating extensive documents about Furtwängler.

We thank Yi Xu for providing extensive photographs.

We thank Linjia Li for his calligraphy design.

We thank Xiaoming Zhang for his hard-tipped calligraphy design.

We thank Dongqing Hu for her logo design.